Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Types of Digital Graphics

Digital Art Types

Concept Art

Concept art is an illustration used to develop characters, items and  the environment of a game. It is used to plan the story/characters and other aspects of the game, before anything is made as making the game by trail and error would cost much more than planning it.

Background Art

This is where background images such as; Distant horizons, trees, grass, water, fields, sky and mountians to make them appear more realistic to the user. It allows less polygons to be used as the image is used to immitate more polygons which can be replicated as many times needed in the background therefore there will be no need to use more polygons. This means saving more room to be used for other aspects of the game.

Texture Art
 This is where a 2D image is wrapped around a 3D shape to make it appear more realistic,
 with the colour, shadow and detail of the texture adding realism to the game/animation.

Grass Textures

Water Textures

Pixel Art

 Pixel art is a form of digital art, that using raster graphics, it's mainly used in older games, like Mario for the Nintendo 64, Sonic for the Sega Megadrive, calculators and mobile phone games.

Interface Art

Interface art is a 2D image layed over the game, it's mainly used for the HUD (heads up display)
which is the health bar, buttons, start menu's and the main map of the game.

Zelda "OoT" Start Menu

Print Media Art

Print media is used to advertise the game, from the 
outside of the game to images on the internet and any other form
of advertising for the game. It is used to draw your eye to the game,
and make it appeal to the audience its directed at.

The cardboard cover that the game was in.

Main character from Zelda "OoT" advertisement

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